Sage Consultancy provides comprehensive support to school heads and senior leaders in governance, visioning, and strategic planning. We also offer mentoring services for school heads and senior leaders.
The role of a school head can be challenging, and having a supportive, critical friend can offer valuable neutral perspectives and a sympathetic ear. Sage Consultancy provides mentoring and support from experienced school leaders to assist heads and senior leaders.
Sage understands that while international school leadership is extremely rewarding, it can at times be lonely and challenging. First headships, often in small schools, can be particularly trying, but even the most experienced head can encounter unexpected trials and need a balanced outside perspective. Sage can provide a seasoned mentor with whom you can confer, share, and seek advice.
Mission, Vision, and Strategic Planning
In our rapidly changing and turbulent world, visioning and strategic planning can seem daunting, but it is essential to do this very well indeed. Sage Consultancy is here to guide you through the process.
Perhaps the most important responsibility of most Boards and school leadership teams is to engage in the generative work of revisiting the school’s mission, vision, and strategic direction. Given the rapid rate of change, technological and otherwise, this can be a formidable task. Sage is here to assist you with the process.
Whether governing or advisory, a supportive Board well-versed in its fiduciary, strategic, and generative roles is essential for the success of international schools. To that end, Sage Consultancy offers support in board training and redesigning governance structures.
A high functioning Board and a strong working relationship between that Board and the head of school is essential for success. Moreover, schools, both non-profit and proprietary, sometimes need to redesign their governance structures to better meet institutional needs. Sage can assist you with board-leadership training and restructuring governance frameworks.
A special note for small schools and/or those in challenging locations, a one size fits all approach may not seem to describe your school or your challenges. Sage understands this and can offer bespoke services to meet your unique needs.